eScenes requires PHP - Installation is simple. Extract the contents of this tarball into a directory on your website. Open the index.php file and set a "visitor" e-mail address, which will be where messages come from if the visitor does not provide an e-mail address. Also make sure the log_dir variable points to a directory that is writable by the webuser. The simplest way to do this is to use a command line, change into the directory with these files and type this command : chmod 777 log Point your webbrowser to the URL of your eScene, and you are ready to go. Adding Images : There are 4 folders for images under the img directory. The back folder holds the backgrounds, and these must be jpg files. The other 3 hold gif images. All image files need to be named a sequential number. Edit the escene.js file. There are 4 entries for the maximum number of pictures in each folder. Adjust this to match the number of pictures you have. More Help : Feel free to stop by and post any questions on our question board. There is a demo site at